Core Trainings

Estimated read time 9 min read

These are some base trainings from which we custom tailor our time with you. These are listed as examples, but curriculum design is available by inquiry and discussion.

Success, Failure and the Leader’s Worth

Time: Flexible 30-45 Minutes

This presentation centers on the acceptance of failure and setback as a tool that the Lord uses to make us better leaders. It presents a scenario that explores the balance of two extremes; the practitioner and the academic. When the leader can balance both knowledge and experience while understanding the unchanging nature of his call, he becomes the ideal leader for the church.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

The Importance of Mindset

Time: Flexible 20-35 Minutes            

Understanding the scriptural mandate to have the Mindset of Christ is paramount for the leader. However, the leader rarely—if ever—learns to define their secondary or tertiary mindset. In particular, one’s secondary mindset can enhance or diminish their primary mindset. A leader with less-than-adequate emotional intelligence can bankrupt their ministry or even their life if they allow a negative secondary mindset to gain traction in their life.

Perspective Based Communication

Time: Flexible 20-45 Minutes

Deep and effective communication is one of the most difficult challenges for the leader. Understanding the convictional perspective of the hearer is the single most important factor if the leader seeks to make a difference in another’s life. People posses various levels of conviction; the deeper the conviction the harder to sway that individual to ones perspective. Learning to discern, and speak, to a deeper convictional perspective opens doors and minds. Attendees will learn to look deeper into every situation.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

#Tools include: JoHari Window.

Understanding the Dynamics of Influence

Time: Flexible 45-55 Minutes

This presentation details three aspects of influence that every leader should be aware of. A leader who can leverage influence with integrity can propel their organizations forward at a previously unthinkable pace. The attendee will learn the nuances of Push, Pull, and Lateral Influence and understand which is appropriate in any given situation.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

Organizational Growth and the Relational Baseline

Time: Flexible 30-45 Minutes

Organizational growth moves forward on several different trajectories. A majority of organizational leaders that are seeking growth in their organization are working on the wrong trajectory. They are asking the wrong questions and forming a vision that aligns with a less-than-ideal trajectory. Participants will learn what these trajectories are, and how the importance of relationships effect organizational growth. They will learn how to create a new trajectory, the Relational Baseline, and how to grow their organization deeper as well as larger.

A Primer for Conflict Resolution 

Time: Flexible 20-40 Minutes

Attendees will learn a simple phrase; Safe, Humble Leaders Listen for the Win. This phrase, while in no way a comprehensive course on conflict resolution, does set a standard for quick remembrance of key issues associated with every tense situation a leader might find themselves in. Remembering this phrase—and the associated nuances—will prepare the leader to face challenge, conflict, or the inevitable blindsiding that occurs in every organization.

Emotional Intelligence

Time: Flexible 30-50 Minutes

Every leader owes it to him/herself to grow in their emotional intelligence. Forbes has stated that the leader of the future needs EQ (Emotional Intelligence) in far greater measure than IQ. This presentation explores ways in which the attendee can be aware, and improve their; Self Awareness, Self Control, Social Awareness, and their Relational Management. Understanding the interplay of these four areas, and their application to leadership, is transformative for the leader.

Leadership Foundations

Time: Flexible 30-45 Minutes

This presentation serves as a base level reminder, or foundation, for what makes a quality leader. While this is a return to the basic principles of leadership, it contains something for the new leader as well as the seasoned veteran. In this time we explore the following questions: What is a leader? How do I get there? What are the non-negotiables of leadership? How does the leader shift from tactical to strategic? How does one align one’s behaviors with one’s goals? Finally, how does the leader create sustainable momentum?

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

#Tools include: Goals and Behaviors Evaluation.

Mind Tweak

Time: Flexible 45-55 Minutes

This fun presentation is structured to impress on the attendee that their perceptions of reality—especially when dealing with people—are many times inaccurate. The leader that can understand that they are hindered by making assumptions based on past experiences is a step ahead of other leaders. Our past conditions us to jump to conclusions that are—at times—dramatically different than our reality. This presentation shows how our cognitive responses are based on patterns that were established in early childhood development and provides encouragement toward the use of tools that help us break from those destructive patterns.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

#Tools include: JoHari Window adaptation and Online Vote.

Understanding Motivation

Time: Flexible 25-40 Minutes

Organizational motivation can be a challenge. What are the sustaining factors related to personnel satisfaction? What causes longevity? Attendees will be challenged to think through the differences between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation and how a deep understanding of the differences can benefit the organization as well as its personnel. Sustainability is a huge issue in the motivation of volunteers. Learn how to leverage the intrinsic factors of autonomy, mastery, and purpose to create an unusually healthy personnel base.

Problem Solving

Time: Flexible 40-55 Minutes

This presentation provides a deep dive into though exercises and tools created to assist the leader in problem solving. Attendees will look at historical examples of change that were based on combining current realities to a single solution, solving existing problems, and setting the stage for future developments. We will explore the difference between Managerial and Transformative Leadership and it’s benefits. Finally, several tools will be taught to assist in solving real world problems.

Competency and Proficiency

Time: Flexible 30-45 Minutes

This presentation is intended to set the stage for thought related to streamlining every day activities. Competency is paramount for leadership and be conscious of where one lands on the scale of competency will transform their ability to mentor, and instill trust in subordinates. Additionally, attendees will wrestle with ideas that are intended to challenge them in building proficiency.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

Time Management and Decision Making

Time: Flexible 45-55 Minutes

Learning to manage one’s time as a leader is perhaps the single most important aspect to organizational focus. Attendees will learn and evaluate the difference between actions that are urgent and those that are important. They will learn to differentiate between the two factors and leverage their time accordingly. Additionally, they will apply those principles in their decision-making processes and weight the realities of advised decisions opposed to those made void of council. They will also learn key steps to assuring that decisions are made after appropriate information has been gathered.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.

Trust and the Leader

Time: Flexible 30-40 Minutes

This short training allows the attendee to see the value of building trust in any organization. If a leader is not trusted, he/she cannot lead. Based on the principles of Stephen M.R. Coveys book; The Speed of Trust, this training shows how where trust is built, organizational speed increases and costs decrease. Meanwhile, where trust wains, speed slows and costs increase. Additionally, this presentation will dive into the three depths of trust; trust of word, trust of action, and trust of competency, showing how each of these levels directly impact the effectiveness of the leader.

The 2 Informs the 58

Time: Flexible 30-40 Minutes

Attendees will gain a sense of how important initial exposure to their organization affects its relevance. Quite literally, the first two minutes in which the observer experiences the church, association, or other organization, will inform the remaining time that they are present. If the experience is poor, they will only see the negative in as they engage. If the first two minutes exhibit excellence, they will filter everything through the impression of excellence. Attendees will be challenged to think through their organization from multiple different user experiences. Additionally, they will explore the “sending of spies” concept to gain insights that are otherwise impossible to gain.

Team Basics

Time: Flexible 30-40 Minutes

Attendees will gain knowledge related to building successful teams and keeping them relevant and focused on the task. They will explore the art of delegation, empowerment, conflict (stormin’), vision, and decision making. They will understand the importance of the “creative pause” and the dynamic of crazy ideas. Additionally, they will explore the concept of processing information and ideas through “rings of similarity.” This presentation ss for the organization that seeks a healthier team dynamic.

SWOT Analysis Tool Training

Flexible: 2 Hours to Full Day

The SWOT Analysis is a proven tool when it comes to organizational re-envisioning. This transitional leadership tool is known worldwide but is often taught non-experientially. This is detrimental. In this training attendees will learn both the concepts behind the tool as well as how they can implement the tool in real world scenarios. 

Sons and Daughters of the King (Inspirational)

Time: Flexible 15-20 Minutes

This small presentation instills in the attendee that they have authority based on their position in Christ. They are a Son or Daughter of the King and should function with the knowledge and security afforded them. This short piece serves as a powerful conclusion to any gathering or a commissioning for ministry.

Building Your Legacy

Time: Flexible 35-45 Minutes

Ideal for a men’s conference, or a parenting conference, it is also adaptable for general assembly. Parents, Men, and Leaders alike need to reproduce future leaders to carry on the legacy of family, faith or organizational vision. This presentation explores the importance of leader reproduction using the three pillars of: Expectation, Engagement and Empowerment. Attendees are encouraged to move from the Command and Control tendencies of leadership to Empowerment and Release modalities.

*This presentation includes clip(s) from contemporary movie(s) to promote discussion and outcomes.